Residential roofing and insurance
With a wide selection of roofing options, having the guidance and expertise of one of our reliable roofing advisers makes navigating these choices easier.
You know what they say about Colorado’s weather – “if you don’t like it, wait a few minutes.” If you’ve lived here any time at all you have experienced 40+ degree drops in temperature in a matter of a few short hours. From balmy to snowy is typical of our winter months and the expansion and contraction of severe temperature changes can take its toll on a poorly constructed roof. Spring and summer are equialy challenging to your roofing system.
In fact, with 100+ degree temps baking exposed rooftops, and the unpredictability of driving rain and the not unheard-of hail storm, it’s an on-going barrage. Wind from the foothills to the plains can shake things up – down, over, under and inside out, and your roof is your home’s first line of defense.
At Baruch Construction our field representatives work closely with your insurance company to best help homeowners understand the process if a claim needs to be made. A significant part of our job includes making sure you maximize the return on your insurance investment.